Hash # 769 Hashmas in Midtown.

When: Saturday, December 14th 7pm

Where: 77-177 South St, Mobile, AL 36606
Murphy Parking lot

Hash Cash: $15

Hares: LubriCunt, Rim Job, Big Woody Bush Hog

Lubi has taken over Hashmas!



Twas the night before Hashmas and all through LubriCunt's house,

the whole goddamn Hash was drunk as a louse,

with Mutha in the whore house and TLAM in jail,

I sat myself down to a cold glass of ale.

When out on the lawn, I heard such a clatter,

I got off Your Sister to see what was the matter.

And what to my Beer-Goggled eyes should appear,

but a shitty old On-In sleigh and no fucking hash beer.

The sleigh held a dirty old hasher named Tater with his hand on his dick,

I knew at that moment, he renamed himself St. Prick.

He told bad jokes on the lawn and climbed up the house wall,

he cried LAUGH! YOU HASHERS or it's off with your balls.

Then down-down the chimney he came like a bat out of hell,

I knew at that moment, the drunk fucker fell.

He then filled all the stockings with cum and with beer,

and a big rubber dick for Rim Job who's queer.

When he decided he had given it his all

He laid one finger aside his one ball

And up the smokestack again he went with a fart,

that son of a bitch Tater blew the chimney apart.

And I heard him say as he hashed out of sight,

"piss on you all it's been a hell of a Hashmas night."

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