GCH3 Denim Hash

When: Saturday January 20th 2:00 P.M.

Hare Away: Eventually

Where: Blues Tavern 2818 Government Blvd

Hare: Sister

Hash Cash: $6

It’s about time we have a GCH3 denim hash in honor of former Religious Advisor and Hashmaster Soowee. Wear your favorite denim getups. I’m talking about jeans, jackets, hats, scarfs, gloves, tee shirts and if you are truly going to be honoring Soowee, wear your denim underwear. We can prelube and on after at Blues Tavern and don’t worry about messing up your Wranglers too much on trail because the abuse won’t start until circle. I’m going to ask the RAs to run circle in the style of Soowee. Lots of abuse, ridiculous down downs, hollering at everyone for everything, and above all, one song, repeated over and over again. I’m looking forward to seeing how you wankers tackle this challenge.

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