Grand Master
Nominal head of the kennel. He's been hanging around since 1818 so we figured we'd better give him something to do.
I'll Bang Your Baby
Religious Advisor
Baby Banger loves telling people what to do so running circles is the perfect job for her. Don't make her work too hard; just shut up and drink your beer.
ButtholeBerry Finn
Webmaster/Hash Procrastinator
Finn just runs the website now. I mean, why else did you think it took 3 months to update this page?
Snatch of the Day
Joint Master
She makes everyone feel welcome, will tell you to shape up & act right when you need to hear it, and basically runs this little shit show. It's her world, we're just living in it.
Lick Long and SpockHer
Helper/Hash Mom
SpockHer likes to keep things tight and clean around here. And she spanks, like a good Mom should.