When: Saturday 8/10/19 - 2:00pm
Where: 2316 Knollwood Drive, Mobile AL 36693
Hash Cash: $6
Hares: Beaver on the Run, Double OO Shower

Beaver and Double O learned a lot about each other when co-haring together a couple months ago, such as:

-Beaver likes hard surfaces
-Double O likes shiggy; the thicker the better
-Beaver likes distance
-Double O......well.......not so much

But they work well together and last trail was pretty damn shittty (yes 3 t’s).

Much discussion occurred to determine what this trail should entail. After large consumptions of alcohol (12 pack each of Yuengling and Natty Light Strawberry, and a bottle of Malort), terms were negotiated and concessions made. No telling what this shitshow of a trail might include, but two things are for certain: Meet-up location and beer.


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